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Fungal, Fungi

noun. Simple, small living microorganisms that generally cannot be seen by the naked eye. However, many fungi form moulds (or moulds in American English) that can be seen by the naked eye. A fungus is a life form that is made of cells with a nucleus.


“Mushrooms, moulds, yeasts, and mildews are examples of fungi.”


“Some species of fungi are pathogenic to animals, human and plants.”


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The plural of fungus. 


Of or caused by a fungus.  

Learning point

How do antibiotics affect fungal infection?


The most common fungal infections affecting humans are athlete’s foot, ringworm, and vaginal yeast infection. A fungus is a primitive organism. Fungi live in the air, in soil, on plants, and in water. Some fungi reproduce through tiny spores in the air. You can inhale the spores, or they can land on you.


You are more likely to get severe fungal infections if you have a weakened immune system (e.g., HIV infection) or take antibiotics. Antibiotics do not kill fungi – they kill bacteria. The natural bacteria in the vagina, for example, protect you from harm and balance themselves with the local fungi to keep it healthy. When antibiotics kill the natural bacteria in the vagina, fungi (yeasts) can proliferate, causing an infection which is often known as ‘thrush’.


Vaginal yeast infection is a common complication of antibiotic usage. A vaginal yeast infection may develop during or after consuming antibiotics taken to treat other conditions such as strep throat. Therefore, we should take antibiotics only when we need them.


Fungal lung infections can be serious and may cause symptoms similar to other illnesses, such as ‘flu or tuberculosis. Early testing for fungal infections reduces unnecessary antibiotic use and allows people to start treatment with antifungal medication.


Check out this video about fungi:

Fungi: Death Becomes Them- CrashCourse Biology #39



1 CDC. (2017). Fungal Infections - Protect Your Health | Features | CDC. Retrieved from

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